Special Sessions and Workshops All
special sessions and workshops are part of DMIN'10 and attendance is
open to attendees of
all conferences held at WORLDCOMP'10.
For DMIN'10, the following special sessions are accepted
(this list will be updated):
Real-World Data Mining Applications, Challenges, and
2) Web
Special Session on
Real-World Data Mining
Applications, Challenges, and Perspectives
Call for Papers
Mahmoud Abou-Nasr, Ford Motor Company
Research and Innovation Center,
The past decade has witnessed a vast growth of the
amount of data produced and the proliferation of
specialized databases in a wide range of business,
industrial, medical and scientific applications. Data
mining is becoming an increasingly important tool in the
process of knowledge discovery and the transformation of
data into valuable information.
The objective of this
special session is to provide a forum for the data
mining researchers and industrial practitioners to
discuss data mining applications, issues, and the
challenges that arise when addressing real-world
problems (e.g. dealing with highly skewed data
sets, massive and high dimensional data sets,
non-stationary data, unknown misclassification costs,
lack of training data, missing and noisy data, business
process issues, etc.).
Topics of interest
include, but are not limited to:
Enterprise knowledge management/knowledge discovery
Sales forecasting
Automotive diagnostics
Medical diagnostics
Challenges, including
highly skewed data sets
massive and high dimensional data sets
non-stationary data
unknown misclassification costs
missing and noisy data
This special session of DMIN’10
Conference on Data Mining) will cover all aspects of
data mining applications. The special session will be
held during the DMIN conference, July 12-15, in Las
Vegas, Nevada, USA. All papers should be
submitted using the standard procedures for DMIN papers.
For your submission of the draft paper, please select
the Track 'DMA
Special Session on Data Mining Applications,
Challenges, and Perspectives'.
Any questions should be directed to
special session organizer or to one of the DMIN
conference organizers.
Web Mining
Peter Géczy, Stefan Lessmann, Robert Stahlbock,
Gary Weiss
world wide web has been attracting considerable
attention of researchers and practitioners from both
academia and commerce. Rapid growth of information and
data, diversity, and web dynamics have been presenting
variety of challenges and opportunities. Novel problems
and approaches are constantly emerging. The objective of
this special session is to highlight the latest
developments and trends among a broad range of subjects
including, but not limited to:
Web mining foundations and web science
Novel web mining algorithms and applications
Web intelligence and analytics
Dynamic and dark web mining
Human-web interaction mining
Mining social networks and graphs
Predictive web mining and forecasting
Mining data streams and semi-structured data
Mining web service registries, services and
Security and adversarial web mining
Privacy preserving web mining
Tracking, profiling, targeting, and personalization
Security, privacy, and legal aspects in web mining
This special session of DMIN’10
Conference on Data Mining) will cover all aspects of
web mining. The special session will be
held during the DMIN conference, July 12-15, in Las
Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Prospective authors are invited to sumbit their original
in web mining and related domains
the standard submission procedures for DMIN papers. For your submission of the draft paper, please select
the Track 'WM
Special Session on
Web Mining.
According to the DMIN review procedure and criteria,
each submission will be comprehensively reviewed and
evaluated according to the originality, relevance,
significance, and presentation.
Any questions should be directed to
special session organizer or to one of the DMIN
conference organizers.
It is
planned to publish a special issue consisting of
extended versions of extended papers on web mining, e.g.,
within Annals of Information Systems (Springer). Updated
inforrmation will be published as soon as possible.
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