Paper Submission Guidelines
We welcome contributions through
research papers and industrial reports/case
studies on applications in form of regular papers of up to 7
pages, double-column IEEE style, which will be presented in
plenary presentations and poster sessions. In addition, we welcome short research
papers & industry reports of 4 pages which will be presented in informal poster sessions.
Accepted submissions include:
regular research papers (7 pages IEEE style, formal presentation)
regular industry & application reports
(7 pages IEEE style, formal
short research papers (4 pages IEEE
style, poster presentation)
short industry & application reports
(max. 4 pages IEEE style, poster
download the Call for Papers [pdf] for more information
(without showing current deadline extension)
General Guidelines (Draft Papers)
Prospective authors are
invited to submit their draft paper (between
4 to 7 pages, standard 2
column IEEE style)
size limitation:
Submitted papers should not have been previously
published nor be currently under consideration
for presentation or
publication elsewhere.
Different to practice at
other WORLDCOMP'10
conferences, DMIN'10 uses an online conference
management and paper submission system, to which
the draft papers must be submitted online,
in IEEE-format and exclusively as a
Please follow
the formatting instructions for the draft
Paper Size: US Letter format (8.5" x
11") or A4 (210 X 297
Paper Length: Maximum 7
pages, including figures, tables &
Paper formatting: double column, single
spaced, 10pt font.
Margins: Left, Right, and Bottom: 0.75"
(19mm). The top margin must be 0.75" in
(19 mm), except for the title page where
it must be 1" (25 mm).
Do not number your manuscript pages.
The first page must include:
of the paper
affiliation, postal address, E-mail
address, telephone number, and fax
number for each author
Underline the name of the author who
will be presenting the paper (if
accepted) - This will not be
required for the camera ready
a maximum of
keywords - This will not be required
for the camera ready version!
of any of the above paper specifications may
result in rejection of your paper!
You may download preliminary
information on the IEEE style below. Please
consider, that although these files are IEEE
information for submissions to the WCCI'06
conference, they are also the requirement for
the DMIN'10.
This information may be updated for the final
camera ready submission to the WORLDCOMP
online paper collection system.
For users of Microsoft
To create pdf files we suggest using
Adobe Acrobat 7.1,
the freeware
Online Submission of the Draft
Paper (Post-Conference Proceedings)
submit your paper please visit the online conference
system for DMIN'10 hosted by
Conference Master.
Please submit papers as soon as possible to ensure early
feedback (extended deadline: March 31, 2010). Please click on the button below to access to
the DMIN conference management system:
The submission system is
If you want to submit
your paper to a special
session, please select an appropriate 'track' within
the paper submission system.
Please do not send papers by email!
Review Process
Papers will be evaluated for originality,
significance, clarity, and soundness. Each paper will be
refereed by two researchers in the topical area. To
reflect upon feedback from last year we will extend the
constructive feedback given within the review. Please
consult the pages for the
Review Process for additional
particularly encourage submissions of industrial
applications and case studies from practitioners. To
reflect the requirements of an application or project
centric case study presentation, these will be subject
to different review criteria. In particular, they will
not be evaluated using predominantly theoretical
research criteria of originality etc., but will take
general interest and presentation stronger into
consideration. The camera-ready papers will be reviewed
by one person.
Final Papers -
Registration and Submission
Author instructions and
links to important websites are provided by the
notification of acceptance.
Conference Proceedings
conference proceedings
are published by CSREA Press in hardcopy. The proceedings
are distributed at the conference
(registration package).
The DBLP entry of the DMIN'09 proceedings can be found
Robert Stahlbock, Sven
F. Crone, Stefan Lessmann (Eds.): Proceedings of The
2009 International Conference on Data Mining, DMIN 2009,
July 13-16, 2009, Las Vegas, USA. CSREA Press 2009, ISBN
All conference proceedings published by CSREA Press are
in major database indexes that
are designed to provide easy access to the current
literature of the sciences. The proceedings will
be indexed in Inspec/IET/The
Institute for Engineering and Technology (approved),
DBLP/Computer Science Bibliography (they have
always included the proceedings), and other
major database indexes are considered
(e.g., ISI Thomson Scientific).
Important Dates
Call for Papers [download
(without showing current deadlines) |
30 January 2010 |
Deadline for proposals
to organize/chair sessions/workshops |
1 March 2010
21 March 2010 (extended!)
31 March 2010 (extended!) |
Submission of draft papers
March 2010
20 April 2010 |
Notification of
acceptance |
May 2010
May 2010
May 2010 |
conference papers & registration
& copyright due
July 2010 |
2010 International
Conference on Data Mining (DMIN'10)
& 21 joint conferences of